If you are a psychology student participating in a lab at Oakland University you are on the right page and you are eligible to apply for our SJSF Conference Grant!



Even the strongest among us could use assistance and comfort after trauma. With support, post-traumatic growth allows you to emerge stronger, wiser, and with a renewed sense of purpose and acceptance.


AUGUST 26TH, 2024

Stay Tuned! Registration Coming Soon

The Shelby Jane Seyburn Foundation (SJSF) welcomes you with open arms and is here to tell you:

Trauma Does Not Have to Defeat You

Trauma affects each of us differently in our journeys through grief and, hopefully, recovery. Universally, hope is something we all strive for in the face of tragedy and we understand how out-of-each it can sometimes feel.

With help and support, you can find the strength within yourself to grow, find hope and joy again, and have a sense of purpose. We think it’s important to point out that even though you experience growth through trauma, it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t have a dark day and retreat back into the valley of sadness, wandering off the path of hope. But when you have the tools to help you regain strength, it’s easier to get back on your path once again.

Some of the tools The SJSF can help equip you with include finding empathy, support, and positive resources… and that all starts with an important declaration: I need help. It’s so hard to be strong when you’re broken. We know, we’ve been there. Let us help you.

conference grants

If you are a psychology student participating in a lab at Oakland University you are on the right page and you are eligible to apply for our SJSF Conference Grants.

shelby shoe shoe steps

In. honor of Shelby, The Shelby Jane Seyburn Foundation has established its newest mission. Through our program, we will provide underpriviliged people with professional footwear for work, play, or dance.

Gifts of comfort

If you know someone struggling, nothing says you care about them more than a fit for their mental, physical, and spiritual health.

The Willows Healing Center

The Shelby Jane Seyburn Foundation is committed to establishing The Willows Healing Center to inspire and strengthen individuals suffering from a traumatic event by providing programs and resources to restore and empower the mind, body, and spirit.

Our Mission

Through The Willows Healing Center and its professional resources, guidance, understanding and compassion, we will be an all-encompassing community of comfort, hope, empowerment and healing for those who are experiencing trauma and seek support. The Shelby Jane Seyburn Foundation will also work to promote Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) research and awareness, as well as encourage advancement and philanthropy through conference grants, assistance for teen parents, health and wellness resources. In addition, The Willows Healing Center will preserve a diverse and sustainable base of volunteer and financial support to ensure that its services will always be available for those in need.

Healing Begins When You Allow Yourself to be Heard


news & events

Post Traumatic Growth Support in Southeast Michigan

Post Traumatic Growth Support in Southeast Michigan

Research over the past few decades has helped to fight stigmas about mental and emotional health. Individuals who have emotional, personality, or mental disorders are not to be blamed or judged. In fact, people are encouraged to speak about trauma and other mental...

The Power of the Post Traumatic Growth Research Lab

The Power of the Post Traumatic Growth Research Lab

Sometimes, one person can make all the difference in someone else’s life. Shelby Jane Seyburn was so inspired by Dr. Kanako Taku’s work in the Post Traumatic Growth Lab at Oakland University that she was determined to advance the work even further. Her parents, Alisa...

Making Shelby's Dreams Come True

Shelby Jane Seyburn had superpowers of her own: the power to love greatly, care deeply, and work tirelessly to make a change in the world. Her light continues to shine through the foundation and all those it touches.

Shelby passed away at the age of 22, when she had only just begun her efforts to research and promote Post Traumatic Growth. Her parents, Alisa and Marc Seyburn, founded the SJS Foundation to ensure that their daughter’s goals become reality.